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Call for Papers

The 6th IEEE International Conference on Agents (IEEE ICA 2022) 


Scope and Background 


Intelligent agents are software entities which can carry out some actions on behalf of clients with some degree of autonomy. Through sensing the status of environment, and by performing operations based on the knowledge they possess, agents change or influence the environment towards their goals. A group or a society of agents form a Multi-Agent System (MAS) in which agents interact cooperatively and/or competitively for their individual or common goals. In general, agents possess five common properties which are: autonomy (some level of self-control); adaptivity (the ability to learn and improve performance with experience); reactivity (the ability to perceive the environment and to respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur); proactivity (the ability not only to act simply in response to their environment but also to exhibit goal-directed behaviour by taking the initiative); and sociability (the ability to interact, communicate and work with other agents). Research on agent techniques and MASs mainly focus on improving existing - or inventing innovative - frameworks, models, mechanisms, approaches and algorithms, in order to  improve agents’ effectiveness and efficiency in those five aspects for advanced autonomous problem solving abilities in complex environments.


List of Topics


We envision a future society where computational agents and humans (physical agents) live, work and snuggle together in harmony. This harmonious collaboration is of paramount importance in the next-generation society. IEEE ICA2022 will call for papers related to, but not limited to, the following topics:


  • Decision making techniques

  • Multi-agent communication and interaction protocols

  • Negotiation and argumentation

  • Game theory and auctions 

  • Social computing 

  • Cooperation, collaboration and coordination mechanisms

  • Self-organization and self-adaptation

  • Computational reasoning 

  • Machine learning 

  • Complex systems and system dynamics 

  • Collective intelligence 

  • Programming languages 

  • Internet of things, agents, and people 

  • Systems designs, development and implementation 

  • Human and multi-agent systems interaction 

  • Social science, humanities, ethical, legal, and social issues 

  • Future visions and grand challenges 


Submission Guidelines


All submissions need to be formatted according to the IEEE Conference Proceedings format (

The format of the final manuscript should be no longer than 6 pages in length (inclusive of references) for regular papers, 4 pages for short papers, and 2 pages for poster papers.


Submission is entirely automated by a paper management tool, which is available online, URL: Authors must first register their own account, and then follow the instructions.


All accepted papers will be presented orally and/or as a poster. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three PC members or experts in the field. Multiple submission policy is applied for papers. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences, whether verbatim or in essence must reflect this fact on the title page. Papers that do not meet this requirement are subject to rejection without review.


All accepted papers in the regular oral presentation / poster will be published in conference proceedings by CPS. They will be indexed by EI, SCOPUS, INSPEC, DBLP and ISI. Selected IEEE ICA2022 papers will be invited for expansion and publication in international Journals. 


No-show policy: Any paper not presented at the conference (no-show) will not be published in the conference proceedings. 


Important Dates 


  • Paper submission deadline: 31 Aug, 2022 (no extension available)

  • Acceptance notification: 30 Sep, 2022

  • Camera-ready submission deadline: 15 Oct, 2022

  • IEEE ICA 2022 conference: 28-30 Nov, 2022




Honorary Chair

  • Prof Takayuki Ito, Kyoto University, Japan

  • A/Prof Quan Bai, University of Tasmania, Australia


General Chair 

  • Dr Zehong (Jimmy) Cao, University of South Australia, Australia


Program Chair 

  • Dr Rafik Hadfi, Kyoto University, Japan

  • A/Prof Dhika Pratama, University of South Australia, Australia


Publicity Chair 

  • Prof Ryszard Kowalczyk, University of South Australia, Australia


Financial Chair 

  • A/Prof Wolfgang Mayer, University of South Australia, Australia


Publications & Web Chair 

  • Miss Xianglin Zheng, University of South Australia, Australia


Steering Committee

  • Prof Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology, Australia

  • Prof Yves Demazeau, CNRS, France

  • Prof Takayuki Ito, Kyoto University, Japan

  • Prof Minjie Zhang, University of Wollongong, Australia

  • Prof Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

  • Prof Chunyan Miao, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  • Prof Catholijn Jonker, TU Delft, Netherlands



All questions about submissions should be emailed to 

Dr Rafik Hadfi <> and Dr Jimmy Cao <>

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