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28 Nov 2022 - 29 Nov 2022


For oral papers - 20 mins presentation + 5 mins Q & A + 5 mins break/networking with authors

For Poster papers - 15 mins presentation + 5 mins Q & A + 10 mins break/networking with authors


The program sheet is available to download here!


Zoom link for the entire conference is available here! Please be in the session on time.

Day 1    Monday 28 Nov 2022
(All times shown are in Adelaide Time or GMT+10:30)

09:30 - 09:45



09:45 - 11:15









11:15 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:30



12:30 - 14:15


14:15 - 15:15



15:15 - 15:30


15:30 - 17:30       










17:30 - 17:40

Opening Session      (All the papers are available here!)

IEEE ICA2022 General & Program Chairs


Kevin Anderson Franco Flores, Luis Martín Canaval Sánchez, James Jesus Grandez Perez        (Poster)

Chatbot as a persuasive technology to promote responsible recycling in the city of Lima


Lui Cirocco, Dennis Jarvis, Jacqueline Jarvis, Ralph Ronnquist        (Oral)

GORITE: A BDI Realisation of Behavior Trees


Masanori HIRANO, Kiyoshi IZUMI        (Oral)

Quantitative Tuning of Artificial Market Simulation using Generative Adversarial Network




Keynote Speech 1 - Takahiro Uchiya

Producing a Diversity of Agent Using Repository-based Multi-Agent Framework




Keynote Speech 2 - Patrick Ocheja

Connecting a Lifelong Learning on the Blockchain: Key Factors and Lessons Learned




Hikaru Ishizuka, Shun Shiramatsu, Keiko Ono        (Poster)

Prototyping Agents for Resolving Opinion Biases toward Facilitating Sublation of Conflict in Web-based Discussions


Ryosuke Kinoshita, Shun ShiramatsuIf        (Oral)

Agent for Recommending Information Relevant to Web-based Discussion by Generating Query Terms using GPT-3


Muhammad Shahroze Ali, Farooque Azam, Aon Safdar, Muhammad Waseem Anwar        (Poster)

Intelligent Agents in Educational Institutions: NEdBOT - NLP-based Chatbot for Administrative Support Using DialogFlow


Ruhollah Jamali, Sanja Lazarova-Molnar        (Poster)

The Relationship Between Agent-based Simulation and Game Theory in the Case of Parallel Trade


Day 1 Closing

Day 2    Tuesday 29 Nov 2022
(All times shown are in Adelaide
 Time or GMT+10:30)

09:30 - 10:30        



10:30 - 10:45


10:45 - 12:15










12:15 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:00       



15:00 - 15:15        


15:15 - 16:15       






16:15 - 16:30        


16:30 - 17:00        


Keynote Speech 3 - Shiqing Wu

Influence-aware Incentive Allocation Problem under Uncertainty




Haerin Kim, Sangho Lee, Ji Young Woo, Huy Kang Kim        (Oral)

Justice League: Time-series Game Player Pattern Detection to Discover Rank-Skill Mismatch


Yoshimasa Ohmoto, Tatsuya Kino         (Poster)

Improvement of Proactive Attitude by Alternating Enhancement of a Sense of Acceptance and Control


Zijia Niu, Yuxin Jin, Wang Yao, Xiao Zhang, Lu Ren        (Oral)

Trajectory Planning for A Massive Number of UAVs in the Environment with Static and Dynamic Obstacles: A Mean Field

Game Approach




Keynote Speech 4 - Cai Qing

Multi-agent Modelling for Flight Reactionary Delay Prediction




Jie Jiang, Pengyu Long, Lijia Xie, Zhiming Zheng        (Oral)

A Percolation-Based Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Warisara Asawaponwiput, Panyawut Sri-iesaranusorn, Thawat Mohchit, Nattanun Thatphithakkul, Decho Surangsrirat         (Poster)

Application of Machine Learning in Lifestyle: Weight-In Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks




Closing Session


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